Faculty and Staff Research

Fisk University Faculty and Staff Research

澳门皇冠赌场平台的使命是“提供沉浸在文科传统中的丰富学术体验”. 我们的教职员工和学生表现出对学习和个人成长的热情. 我们致力于在本地和全球社区中发挥道德领导和参与作用.为了完成这一使命,赞助项目办公室(OSP)的目标被确定为:


赞助项目是由教职员工发起和开展的项目和/或活动. Program funding is usually obtained from government sources, 但私营部门或联合学术企业也可能提供融资机会.

In the fulfillment of its duties, 赞助项目办公室是调查人员之间的联络人和促进者, Fisk University administration, 资助机构确保研究和项目资助的有效申请和管理. The OSP is committed to serve its constituents in a professional manner. Its responsibilities include, although are not limited to the following:

  • 提醒调查人员和行政人员有关赞助资金的机会
  • 帮助个人准备提案,解释指导方针,政策和法规
  • 与资助机构和分包商进行谈判/调解,以达成令赞助商满意的协议, 教职员及大学[与财务副校长共同负责]
  • for purposes of clarity, it reviews, 修改和批准提案,以符合菲斯克的政策和遵守机构的指导方针
  • aids investigators and staff with budget preparation
  • 维护参考书和小册子,介绍赞助机构及其指导方针
  • maintains pre-award proposal files, 提供有关未决和已授予的赠款和合同的管理信息, as well as federal budget and administrative rule changes
  • obtains authorized signatures for the sign off sheet for all applications
  • copies and mails completed applications to appropriate agencies
  • notifies authors of receipt of proposals by agencies
  • 向首席研究员提供一份完整的提案副本
  • (在一段时间内)为指示特定兴趣领域的PI搜索拨款机会
  • 来到学院办公室,向感兴趣的个人展示如何寻找资金来源
  • publishes a newsletter at least once per semester
  • conducts workshops, seminars, etc. 从小型兴趣小组(对某一特定领域感兴趣的两三个教员)到一个学部或全体教员和职员
  • 协助教职员处理拨款后的行政工作,包括建立开支帐目, timely submission of reports, and grant close-out
  • oversees contract compliance (financial, reporting, management, deliverables, and other requirements)
  • maintains and records data concerning funded research


Contracts are legal agreements used to buy products and services. 承包商未能交付预期的结果或未按承诺履行工作,即构成违约,具有法律后果.

许多政府机构和企业利用合同来支持和开展基础研究和应用研究. 它们可用于产品收购,从信息或技术供应到先进的先进设备和系统. 服务采购的范围从复杂的实地试验到信息传播再到管理咨询.

Contracts may be awarded as fixed-price contracts, i.e., 预先为完成一组指定任务或提供某项服务(如.g., $/analysis). 付款仅限于约定的成本乘以交付的单位数量.

Cost-reimbursement contracts provide payment for actual costs incurred, 以订立合同时所确定的估计费用总额为最高限额. At times, the ceiling amount may be raised if the sponsor agrees to such costs, otherwise the contract may be discontinued.

Cooperative Agreement

合作协议是一种机制,在这种机制中,赞助商以伙伴的身份与受赠方共同工作. 这种资金来源可能涉及政府和受资助者共同承担项目的规划和/或管理部分的责任.

Each agreement will have its own specific terms of collaboration. OSP将与调查员一起仔细审查拟议合作协议的细节. 合作协议的其他方面遵循适用于赠款的政策.


Grants are awards by a sponsor to achieve some general or specific purpose. Although generally less restrictive than contracts, technical and financial reports are generally required. Grants are awarded by a number of sponsors including foundations, industries or agencies of the federal government. Amounts and types of awards will vary. Many agencies offer several types of grant opportunities.



广泛的赞助者可能会授予个人奖学金,以支持专业领域的教育或学术工作. 符合特定学科特定奖学金资格的申请者应寻求基金会, governmental agencies and professional societies for sources of funding.


These are funds or tangible property provided to the University. 一般来说,捐赠人不会因捐赠或赠与而接受商品或服务. 捐赠人可以约定捐赠用于指定的目的, 但详细的支出或技术报告通常不需要作为奖励的条件. However, 良好的管理以及时确认捐赠和报告资金使用的形式表现出来, if appropriate, is necessary. 这些行动将有助于建立良好的捐助者关系,以期待未来的募捐.